Turn GitHub Activity Into Client-Ready Reports
Stop spending hours translating technical updates. GitLoom automatically converts your GitHub activity into clear, business-friendly updates that make sense to your clients.
Introducing GitLoom: a message from the founder
Ahmet Ozisik, Swiftmade OÜ
Hey there! 👋
After years of building software for clients, one challenge kept coming up: explaining our technical progress in a way that made sense to non-technical stakeholders.
GitHub is amazing for developers, but for clients and managers, it might as well be written in hieroglyphics. They don't need to see branch names or commit messages - they need to understand what's being built and how it impacts their business.
That's why we decided to build GitLoom. We're creating the tool we've always wanted: one that automatically translates technical GitHub activity into clear, business-focused updates that your clients will actually understand and appreciate.
If you've ever spent hours preparing client updates or wished for an easier way to communicate progress, I'd love for you to join our waitlist and be among the first to try GitLoom.
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